On the 26th February SDPC will be hosting our 16th conversation. This session will take place in memory of Kenny Simpson of Police Scotland, a tireless campaigner of compassionate policing of the MDA 71 who died 3 years ago, and whose service of remembrance was held on the 26th February 2018. We will hear from […]
Kenny Simpson – Gone but his legacy will live on
For Kenny Simpson – drug policy expert, long serving copper with Police Scotland and the SCDEA and champion of sensible drug policies. “I never judge anybody on how they are presented, everybody’s got their stories to tell, I just don’t think there is acknowledgment of that. I think there needs to be more of a […]
SDPC 12 – Drug Related Deaths Outcomes
SDPC 12: Drug Related Deaths – SDPC held its’ 12th conversation looking at drug related deaths in Scotland, and producing some recomendations on how to help reduce such deaths in the future. The main record of discussion can be found here, but the main outcomes were: There was broad agreement on the following outcomes: PUBLIC […]
Expert Working Group on Cannabis: options for policy reform in Scotland
UWS’ Contemporary Drug and Alcohol Studies Programme and Scottish Drug Policy Conversations are hosting an expert working-group meeting on ‘Cannabis: options for policy reform in Scotland’ this Friday 16th of June. This meeting is the intial meeting of an expert group set up to examine options for policy reform of cannabis in Scotland. If you […]
Commitment to Respectful Dialogue
Established by Collaborative Scotland during the Scottish independence campaign, the commitment to respectful dialogue sets the tone of how we communicate and converse with each other. The commitment is to: Show respect and courtesy towards all those who are engaged in these discussions, whatever views they hold; Acknowledge that there are many differing, deeply held and valid […]