Knowledge is power but it can also bring confusion. The problem lies in what we define as knowledge, and who those knowledge givers are. In the wider drugs policy debate this has been a complex problem in the dissemination of information. The best way to gain knowledge is to gather as much information about it as possible and then discuss.
Peer reviewed journals are considered the top of the knowledge tree in academia, and in many cases this is true because the quality of the research has been reviewed and approved by those who know what they are talking about. Large institutional reports and government reports are also considered to add value and weight to a debate. Yet with drug policy, as with many other debates, there is knowledge and ideas outwith these structures, and to gain a better understanding of how drugs policy should look like you need to know the impact of the policy and wider social reasons for drug use. You will find this in journals, reports, articles, online, personal stories, friends, family, group meetings, discussion, and thought.
So these pages are for you to inform yourself, or add to your existing knowledge, on the topic. Below are some main sites that hold interesting stuff, and the dropdown menu will take you to various topics so please take some time to explore.