Upcoming Events
30th April 2020: SDPC and SIPR: Pragmatic Approaches to Policing People who use Drugs During Covid-19. To sign up please register with the Eventbrite listing, and you will receive a Zoom link. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/92743384961
Previous Events
29th March 2018: SDPC – Setting a Framework for Engagement – to start designing a public engagement framework to widen participation and conversation on drug policy in Scotland. This event is invite only at the moment, please get in touch if you would like to attend.
13th September 2017: SDPC 12 – Drug Related Deaths in Scotland – to be held in Edinburgh
23rd June 2017: SDPC 11 – Cannabis in Scotland – please see documents for the outcomes of this session.
25th April 2017: SDPC 10 – Taking Stock – see documents for outcomes of this session.
2nd February 2017: Recovering Justice: When: 7pm-9pm, 2nd February – Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow. See Eventbrite for free tickets. Recovering Justice are hosting an evening where members from Transform Drug Policy Foundation, Anyones Child, The Scottish Recovery consortium, LEAP and Release will be involved in this chaired discussion and debate. A represenative from SDPC will be there and this evening looks set to be an exciting move forward to creating collaboration and communicaiton between various drug policy advocates and campaigners.
21st September 2016: SDPC 7 – as part of the ongoing small expert group discussions the Academy of Government will be hosting this session on public and stakeholder engagement in drug policy.
19th July 2016: The Human Ecology of Drug Use: roundtable hosted by Mike McCarron. Held at the Centre for Human Ecologyu, this small roundable was the first of many small public roundables the SDPC aims to envouarge.